Managing Multiple Versions of Flutter with FVM

Flutter is a popular mobile application development framework created by Google.

It allows developers to create natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

One of the challenges of using Flutter is managing multiple versions of the framework.

This is especially important for developers who need to maintain multiple projects that use different versions of Flutter.

One solution to this problem is to use the Flutter Version Management (FVM).

FVM is a command-line tool that allows developers to easily manage multiple versions of Flutter on their local machine.

Using FVM, developers can install multiple versions of Flutter side-by-side, switch between them easily, and even roll back to previous versions if necessary.

This makes it much easier to work on projects that require different versions of Flutter.

To use FVM, developers first need to install it on their local machine.

You can install FVM by following the instructions provided on the official website ( based on your operating system.

This can also be done using the following command:

$ pub global activate fvm

Note: Your Antivirus software might block fvm operations. You might need to whitelist FVM.

Once FVM is installed, developers can use it to install multiple versions of Flutter on their machines.

This can be done using the following command:

$ fvm install <version>

where <version> is the version of Flutter that you want to install.

For example, to install Flutter version 3.3.4, you would use the following command:

$ fvm install 3.3.4

Once multiple versions of Flutter are installed, developers can switch between them easily using the use command.

For example, to switch to Flutter version 3.3.4, you would use the following command:

$ fvm use 3.3.4

In addition to these basic commands, FVM also provides several other useful features, such as the ability to list all installed versions of Flutter and run Flutter commands in a specific version of the framework.

Overall, FVM is a valuable tool for Flutter developers who need to manage multiple versions of the framework on their local machine.

It makes it easy to install, switch between, and roll back to different versions of Flutter, making it much easier to work on projects that require different versions of the framework.

Anil Rao K

Author: Anil Rao K

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